Impressionismen: Det, vi i dag kalder moderne kunst, begynder med impressionisterne. I filmen præsenteres det billede, som gav retningen navn, Claude Monets "Impression, soleil levant" - indtryk af e...
Liebesdrama (Ton-, Geräusch- und [deutscher] Dialogfilm) mit
Kriminaldrama (Gesangs- und Musik-Tonfilm mit [unterlegtem
Ausstattungsdrama (Ton- und Geräuschfilm mit [englischen] Dialogstellen) nach dem Roman von
Tonfilmoperette (Ton- und Geräuschfilm mit Gesangsstellen), Buch von
Lebensbild (Ton-, Geräusch-, Gesang- und [deutscher] Dialogfilm) mit Kammersänger
Posse (Ton-, Geräusch-, und Gesangs- und [deutscher] Dialogfilm) mit
Volksstück (100% ig deutsch) n. d. Bühnenwerk v.
Tante Tille bor på en lille gård på landet. Da hun en dag finder en forladt ræveunge, tager hun den med hjem og kalder den Mikkel. Tilles nabo, Orla Olsen, er jæger, og da han en dag finder en fo...
Frankrig 1913. Gentlemantyven Philippe de Ledocq er aldrig blevet grebet på fersk gerning til stor ærgrelse for politiinspektør Fernand Maubert. Det lykkes dog politiinspektøren at fange Ledocqs m...
Japan Desk Scotland’s third documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking at the aftermath in the area around Okuma Town, the remaining effects of radioactive contamination, and ...
Japan Desk Scotland’s third documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking at the aftermath in the area around Okuma Town, the remaining effects of radioactive contamination, and ...
Japan Desk Scotland’s eighth documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking back at the work to create a radiation map of the surrounding area and the establishment of the Institu...
The story of the transport of logs from the forest areas of East Pakistan to the Khulna Newsprint Mill eighty miles up river.
An experimental piece, following the fortunes of a man who falls off castle ramparts and finds himself on an eerie beach experiencing strange phenomena. The main themes seem to be death and chance.
Educational film examining the different stages involved in pregnancy.
A comedic tale set in the garden of the Thoms' family house, on a summer's day. A group of boys playing in the garden get into trouble with a pernickety neighbour but later redeem themselves by spott...
A football match between Elgin City and an unidentified team, and the Inspection and Presentation of Colours of the Boys' Brigade (Inverness Battalion).